
Showing posts from May, 2024

4 fun facts about the Albertosaurus.

Did you know that the Albertosaurus was smaller than the T-Rex? Yeah that's true, he might look big but he is the opposite of what you think. Did you know that the Albertosaurus hunted in packs like wolves? Yes that's correct, some animals like wolves hunt in packs to get prey easier like moose. Teamwork can be better for anything. Here is a picture of the baby  Albertosaurus. Did you know that the  Albertosaurus means "Alberta lizard" because it was discovered in Alberta? Yeah that's correct. P aleontologists  are smart because when they discover a new dinosaur they can name it by the place they found it. (Alberta is a place in Canada.) Did you know that the  Albertosaurus weighed as much as 3 moose? Yes that's true, wow that is very heavy.

5 fun facts about the Brachiosaurus

Did you know that the Brachiosaurus is as tall as 2 giraffes and was as long as 5 cars!? That is very big. Did you know that the Brachiosaurus weighed as much as 7 elephants? Yes that's correct, the Brachiosaurus is one of the biggest dinosaurs, so it must have weighed a lot. Here is a picture of the baby  Brachiosaurus, isn't she cute? ❤❤❤ Did you know that when mama  Brachiosaurus laid eggs, they left the eggs so when those eggs hatched they had to survive for themselves? Yeah that's right! Did you know that when the baby  Brachiosaurus hatched they made tiny groups to stay safe? That's smart right? :) Did you know that baby  Brachiosaurus  ate a lot to become big as fast as possible? That fact makes me hungry. :D Here is a  picture of the  Brachiosaurus that I made.

4 fun facts about the Spinosaurus.

Did you know that the Spinosaurus was bigger than the T. rex?! That is pretty big. Here is a picture of the Spinosaurus that I made. Did you know that the Spinosaurus was a fish-eater and was a dinosaur that could swim? I think you can get confused, because the animals that swam in the water in the dino times were not dinos, but were Prehistoric marine creatures. Did you know that scientists don't know yet what the spiny thing on the back of the spinosaurus was for? Yeah that's true, but it does not mean they won't know forever, okay? :) Did you know that the best Spinosaurus skeleton was destroyed during a war so it made it hard for Paleontologists to study this dinosaur? Yeah That's right, it's already hard for Paleontologists to study and try to make the skeleton, so it's good when they find full ones.

5 fun facts about the Edmontosaurus.

Did you know that the Edmontosaurus had millions of teeth so it was like a shark? Yeah that's right, when they lose their teeth the one behind the lose one moves to the lose one's place. Did you know that the Edmontosaurus walked on 4 legs but when they saw a predator they stood on 2 legs to run faster? Yeah that's correct, they could run faster on 2 legs then on 4 legs. Did you know that the Edmontosaurus honk sounded like a cow? Yeah that's true, is that not weird and funny? I think it is. Did you know that the  Edmontosaurus is called like "the cow of the Cretaceous?" Yeah that's right they called them like that because Paleontologists had found many of them, like cows. Did you know that there have been more  Edmontosaurus bones than any other dinosaur? Yeah that's true, is that not  amazing and cool? I think this is my favorite fact about the  Edmontosaurus. (The  Edmontosaurus is the dinosaur in the picture.)